Modular Design

Modular Multi-Family House in Yellowknife

Modular Design​

TNT Group offers professional modular design services for both residential and commercial projects. Our team of experienced technologists has extensive experience in designing efficient and modern offsite built structures.

We utilize our knowledge of materials and building systems to create durable and sustainable designs. We use Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology to ensure efficiency in the design process and accurately detailed models.

With a proven track record of success, we have also worked on various Alberta infrastructure modular projects. Trust TNT Group to bring your modular design visions to life with our expertise in offsite construction.

Here are Our latest Modular Projects​

Explore our portfolio of recently completed modular projects to see the quality and diversity of our design work.

We Provide The Best Service In Industry​​

You can easily get in touch with us by sending a message through this platform. Simply type your message and hit send! We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.